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FREE Music Download -
Original Trance Music by Doug O'Brien and Nick Kemp:
Kemp/OBrien Trance Music MP3

This music was recorded by Doug O'Brien and Nick Kemp at Nick's studio in Leeds, England in December, 2007. After composing original music for the Shamanic Journeys of "How Deep the Rabbit Hole" in 2006, we decided to create some music for trance that can be used as accompaniment to your own trance inductions. The music is 15 minutes in length. You are free to use it however you choose. We only ask, if you use it for a distributed recording, please give us a music credit. Thanks.

By the way, it has been noted by some people that Milton Erickson never used background music in his inductions. To that we can only say: he never heard ours. ;-)


NOTE: The following scripts are intended for educational purposes only. They are not meant to serve as suggested therapeutic interventions. Rather, they are intended only as general illustrations of hypnotic phrasing. These scripts are designed as supplements to other sources of academic and professional training. All rights are retained by the author of the script and must not be reproduced, distributed or recorded without the expressed written permission of the author.

End of Day Trance
By Doug O'Brien.
A Group Hypnotic Induction

"Fail-Safe" Hypnosis
By Doug O'Brien.
A transcript demonstrating Dr. Ernest Rossi's version of "Magnetic Hands"

Suggestions for Quitting Smoking
By Doug O'Brien.
A script for becoming a non-smoker

Time(line) For A Change
By Doug O'Brien.
A script for letting go of unhealthy eating habits

A Naturalistic Induction
By Doug O'Brien.

Metaphor for Changing Patterns
By Doug O'Brien
Facilitating learning new patterns (behaviors).

Facilitating The Learning Process
By Michael Yapko, Ph.D.
Preparing people to learn a new skill that seems challenging to them.

Pre-Surgery Script
Pre-surgery hypnosis script using direct and indirect hypnotic language to help a surgical patient feel at ease as a member of the surgical team, to teach The Relaxation Response Technique, and to assist with recovery.

Self Hypnosis: "The Betty Erickson Special"
More of an outline rather than a hypnosis script, this shows the format of this self hypnosis method named for Milton Erickson's wife. Reportedly, she was quite expert in this area and this is the sort of thing she'd do. (Read a transcript of a live demonstration of this technique on the "transcript" page.)

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