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Ericksonian Hypnotic Language Patterns
Douglas O'Brien
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Pattern 7. Negative Commands/Suggestions —
The brain doesn't compute negations. If you say to someone, "Don't think of the color purple," what do you suppose they begin to think about? What color are you thinking about? So you can direct your listener's attention by saying "don't do" exactly what you'd like them to do.

A. Don't _____too quickly (or too soon)...

"Don't use these language patterns too soon to empower others now.

"Don't go into a trance too quickly, Monde."

B. I wouldn''t tell you to _______, because...
(more about the word 'because' in future entries.)

"I wouldn't tell you to play with these patterns everyday, because that might be dangerous to your limitations.'

"I wouldn't tell you to go into a trance now, because it's important for you to discover for yourself how quickly or slowly is right for you."

C. I could tell you that_____ but...

"I could tell you that learn these patterns will be far easier and fun than you probably imagine, but I would rather let you enjoy that discovery yourself."

This is another great way to avoid resistance. (Note also that in this example we have sacrificed correct grammar so the sake of a good command.)

Now, I wouldn't tell you to write your own examples, because as you discover your best way of learning, you'll know the best way to learn is by doing. Write them out. Practice. Say them aloud to a human being with the proper tonal shift.

I could tell you to go out there and use them, but I know you'd rather see for yourself.

Have fun. See you next week.


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