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Generative Trance

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as a vital part of life that occurs whenever you disrupt the conscious mind. It further sees trance as potentially negative or positive, depending on the context, and you are the context. In this naturalistic view, hypnosis is one of the social/psychological traditions whereby you can create a ritual space that can welcome and utilize the naturally occurring trances of the unconscious mind. You can access and heal negatives trances that have been around for a while (i.e., symptoms), or create new ones that allow new possibilities. Whatever the case, hypnosis is this special experiential context that can provide a gentle but resilient container in which new resources can be added, new patterns can be formed, and new realities can be created. Who could ask for anything more?
            One of the major foci of generative trance is how to move to a higher state of consciousness. We say, you're only as good as your present state. To be generative, to go beyond where you've ever been before, you have to develop a high level state. We will explore how in hypnotic induction this means holding an intention that is succinct (five words or less), positive, and resonant. We will see how hypnotic induction includes the skills of developing complete relaxation, but also deep absorption, as well as flexible and playful attention, and a radiant peripheral field of awareness. We will see how we tune the conscious mind to relational principles of accepting what's there, balancing it with complementary resources, and expanding the field to include many resources beyond the problem or goal. We will see how to move from a pattern's surface structure to its deep structure so that many new surface structures can be created. And we will see how to tap into generative healing and transformation. It's a great thing to realize that you have this capacity within you, and you can help others to realize the same things for themselves. Again, who could ask for anything more?
            So I welcome you to trance camp, and look forward to many further adventures of the deep kind. Let's take a brief break and we'll be back for more in just a bit.

©2007 Stephen Gilligan, Ph.D.
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