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"Facilitating the Learning Process."
By Michael Yapko, Ph.D.
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By Michael Yapko, Ph.D.
Preparing people to learn a new skill that seems challenging to them.

As you listen to this trance process... why not let yourself be very comfortable... and when your conscious mind drifts off... and it undoubtedly will drift off... isn't it nice to know that you can be so comfortable...

I sometimes like to begin by talking about how soothing... and comfortable an experience trance is... how good it feels to be able to close your eyes and take in a few deep... relaxing breaths... but some people haven't had much experience in relaxing ... and they really don't have much awareness for how good it feels to do something as simple... as close your eyes... that's right... and fortunately... you have had some experience... with letting the outside world drift... from your awareness... as you grow more comfortable... with each breath you exhale... you can remember to forget... that the world outside... is outside... and then the world inside... is so much more important...

and as you notice your thoughts... and feelings... you can remember learning something pleasing... when you were much younger... than you are right now... and then you can easily forget... to notice the sensation... in your leg... until I remind you... to notice it growing... so much more comfortable... and now you know... how easy it is... to have your mind... drift off... that's right... you've had the experience... of relaxing deeply before... and you can recall... being guided by numbers... into a state of comfort... and well being... and the monotonous counting... was so boring... that you wondered... what you were supposed to do... and isn't it comforting... to know now... that there are no numbers to listen to...and there's nothing you have to do... and doing nothing... and letting yourself remember... that pleasure of doing nothing... by sitting so comfortably... as you are... by breathing at a rate... that feels so good... can remind you... of other times... in your experience... that you became so preoccupied... with your thoughts... and fantasies... and there have been times... when you were so lost in thought... thinking of everything... and thinking of nothing... as if you were in the middle of nowhere... comfortably separated... from your surroundings... a mind in one place... and a body... in another place... here... but there... now... and then... and if you think about... a time like that... a time... when you were so comfortable... within yourself... maybe on a long drive... or while enjoying a book... that lets you get away... from your everyday self... or some other... deep experience... then you can recall... how comfortable... you can really be... when your body becomes so far away... and feels... like it just takes... too much effort... to even move... and its so much easier... to just sit there... comfortably... isn't it... that's right... it is easier... to just drift along... listening... and hearing... about how comfortable... you can be...

and then... it really... doesn't matter... that today... is a new day... a day you've never experienced before... because today... you can rediscover... whichever of your previous learnings... you would like... in order to relax... comfortably... and enjoy the newness... of today... as you experience yourself... differently ... because you are different... you know more now... than at any other time in your life... you've lived longer... and had more experience... and all that you have learned... has taught you... how to learn... a simple idea... that was so easy... to forget... until now... when you discover... how all the learnings... of your lifetime... can serve you now... in the way that you would like... and you can really enjoy the insecurity you feel... about learning something new... for it's the same insecurity... you've felt so many times before... when you were both uncertain... about whether you had the ability... to master a skill... and so impatient... to conquer it... and as you impatiently look forward to the time... that you can feel comfortable... with what you know... you can patiently understand... that you'll have to feel uncomfortable... with how much more there is to know... or won't you?...

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